Wednesday, 15 August 2012

JM is back for Boxing Day

Weeehuuuu... just got my Jahzara in M size... it fits me well.. so well instead of unwell..hahhahahaha now i'm unwell bcoz dunno whether wanna go to boxing day or not.. mmmmmm

Jaylene in blue

my 1st Jovianrtw is Jaylene, been sold to my Everlynn customer due to size that doesn't fits me.. too big.. maybe sbb cutting die kot.. mmmm.. but yesterday i have received my 2nd Jovianrtw.. it is Javiera.. also in same size..but surprise surprise the size looks fine.. just need to alter a bit at waist and chest pastu letak padding ckt.. i rasa s size mesti ok dgn i.. but never mind la.. my baby sitter can alter that for me.. so nothing to worried.. hehehheeh

Javiera in yellow. Mine was in pink :D

and today my 3rd Joviartw been arrived!! Yeahhh it is Jahzara...same size but a bit loose la :( need to alter again.. hopefully it will looks good on me later on..

most wanted ni!! hehe
so for those who will be going to Jovian Boxing Day tomorrow @ Shangri La, happy shopping yaa!! I'm falling in love with Janina B, Jadore B & Jacyntha.. but i bet u, someone will let it go due to any reasons.. and i will make sure that one of these final J is mine!! haahhahahha (gelak jahat)

For those who cannot go tomorrow, lets cuci ur mata.. hehehe ;p

Final batch Jovianrtw during Boxing Day!!

Selamat Hari Raya uolllssss! Maaf zahir dan batin. :D

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